Saturday, February 15, 2014

Double Red Letter Day

Sunday 16th February 2014 is a double red letter day. It is Lady P's first birthday, and it is the day we move into the Sugar Cube House.

Obviously the  big bold red letters are for Lady P's birthday. One year is a big milestone for her and for us. We kept her alive for a whole year! She's no longer a red faced screaming newborn who doesn't even know how to eat. She's an incredible human being who really does know how to eat.  Here's to Lady P.
Just born

One year later
And yet, I'm afraid our focus will be on the move. Most of our belongings are still en route on the container shipment. But we do have a tonne of IKEA gap-filling furniture to build, and a host of Target purchases to distribute around the Sugar Cube. Plus we're just so excited to move in and begin what we hope will be a long, full, happy chapter in Hermosa Valley.

I am going to try to bake a cake today while we're still in the temporary flat. So that's something (for a while it looked like a box of Target cookies was going to serve as her birthday cake). If Lady P's really lucky we'll find ten minutes to stick a candle in it, sing happy birthday, and take a quick photo at least.

And in years to come, if she asks us what we did for her first birthday, we'll say 'we gave you a room of your own, and an IKEA lamp'.

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